Trying Something New This Year

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I have struggled with my weight since my son was born 4 years ago. I was never big on sweets until I got pregnant and now three kids later, it’s been hard to kick the habit.

I do still have a lot of baby weight on me. I did have 3 kids in under three years. So now having a 4,5, and 6-year-old, stress plays a big factor in my weight gain.

This year though, I am going to try to boost my metabolism. I could remember before I got pregnant, I weighed 110 and could eat anything and never gain a pound.

So now under doctors suggestions, drink tons of water, and eat every 3 hours. Portion control of course, and no eating 3 hours before bed. I am going to try this for 2 weeks and see where it gets me. I would be happy even if I lost 5 lbs. right now. It’s a start!

Of course I will be doing lots of exercise, but having a bad back I think I am going to stick to the WII and dance games. They are fun and not strenuous.

So I will update in a few weeks with my progress. So stay tuned.

No compensation was received for this post.

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