Monday Mingle January 9, 2012

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I finally did another Monday mingle Video, even though it’s not the way I planned it. Now you can see how hectic my life is.

Disclosure: no compensation was received for this post.

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8 thoughts on “Monday Mingle January 9, 2012

  1. u have your hands full!!! bwahahaha. love it! Your kids are hams….
    crazy is a good song….:) hehehe.
    nice to meet you fellow mingler….
    I mingled this week too! hope u will drop by and ,leave a comment..if it gets less hectic….lol.
    u got hit by a car? wow. wow. ya its brave…
    your kids are craaaazy!

  2. It felt like your kids were multiplying as the video went on LOL. and wow, how scary about what happened to you! Glad you are ok!

  3. Do you ever get to listen to music with all that going on? 🙂
    Guess saving her life was meant to be.
    Have a great day!

  4. Low-key new year’s eves are the best.
    Oh, what a ham LOL! Hellooo!
    Oh my goodness. YOU are braver than I for mingling with all of them, I thought I was brave for just mingling with my husband and Charlie. LOL

    Have a great week!

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