Ocean Spray Fruit Flavored Snacks GiveawayClosed

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Ocean Spray Fruit Flavored Snacks provide kids with the great tasting snacks they crave and parents with the confidence that they come from a good place. Ocean Spray Fruit Flavored Snacks are:

  • Made with real fruit juice and natural flavors
  • 80 calories, Gluten free, and has 100% of the daily value of vitamin C
  • Comes with year around double box tops

My kids absolutely love fruit snacks, but I always worry about what is in  them. These fruit snacks are very delicious and I don’t have to worry about what they are putting in their mouth.  Ocean Spray fruit snacks are all natural and great for you. Plus my favorite part, they are inexpensive and come with double box tops to help out your schools.

You can click here for a coupon, $1.10 off 2 boxes of Ocean Spray fruit snacks

I have a big Ocean Spray Package for 4 of my readers, That’s Right 4

4 of you will win 6 boxes of Ocean Spray fruit snacks

To enter: Tell me which flavor you would like better? Berries and Cherries or Assorted Fruit?

Extra Entries:

  • Blog about this-7 entries
  • Grab my button-6 entries
  • Follow me on twitter-5 entries
  • Leave a comment on any non-giveaway post-4 entries
  • Like Ocean Spray on Facebook-3 entries
  • Like No Time Mommy on Facebook-3 entries
  • Tweet this giveaway-2 entries (can be done daily)
  • post this giveaway on Facebook-1 entry (can be done daily)

Contest ends 2/20/12

Disclosure: Ocean Spray Fruit Flavored Snacks, information, and giveaway have been provided by Ocean Spray through MyBlogSpark.

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201 thoughts on “Ocean Spray Fruit Flavored Snacks GiveawayClosed

  1. I think the Berries and Cherries sounds fantastic! But I’d love to see them come out with a tropical blend!

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  2. I like you on Facebook: Cori Eckstrom Westphal (facebook.com/coriwestphal)
    Entry 1

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  3. I like you on Facebook: Cori Eckstrom Westphal (facebook.com/coriwestphal)
    Entry 2

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  4. I like you on Facebook: Cori Eckstrom Westphal (facebook.com/coriwestphal)
    Entry 3

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  5. I like Ocean Spray on Facebook: Cori Eckstrom Westphal (facebook.com/coriwestphal)
    Entry 1

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  6. I like Ocean Spray on Facebook: Cori Eckstrom Westphal (facebook.com/coriwestphal)
    Entry 2

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  7. I like Ocean Spray on Facebook: Cori Eckstrom Westphal (facebook.com/coriwestphal)
    Entry 3

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

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