Heading To the NY Toy Fair

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This weekend I will be heading to the NY Toy Fair. This is my first year actually attending the fair, so I am a little nervous. Saturday I will be attending a preview with a toy company and will be sharing that with you all after.

Sunday is the big day the Toy fair opens, and even though it is a few days long I am only going to attend on Sunday. So I have picked out a few companies to visit.

I think my top choices are:
Pillow pets

and some others just depending on how much time I have.

I know people always tell me I don’t attend enough events, and I agree. My priorities are a bit different though, as I would love to network more and connect with brands, My husband is the bread-winner. He is in grad school working on his PHD and that is my top priority to make sure he is successful in school and I can stay home with the kids. Child care is expensive and we don’t have family within 700 miles.

So as I would love to be out and about more, I have to put events on the back burner while my husband is in school. Although every once in a great while an event will be on a weekend and I can attend. LOL

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One thought on “Heading To the NY Toy Fair

  1. That’s great that you have the opportunity to go! I hope you enjoy yourself and get to network with some good brands. 🙂

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