Mirror Mirror Trailer

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Mirror Mirror is a fresh and funny retelling of the Snow White legend, Mirror Mirror features breakout star Lily Collins as Snow White, a princess in exile, and Oscar-winner Julia Roberts as the evil Queen who ruthlessly rules her captured kingdom. Seven courageous rebel dwarfs join forces with Snow White as she fights to reclaim her birthright and win her Prince in this magical adventure comedy filled with jealousy, romance, and betrayal that will capture the hearts and imaginations of audiences the world over.  The film also stars Armie Hammer as the Prince, and Nathan Lane as the hapless and bungling servant to the Queen.


Mirror Mirror opens in theaters March 30, 2012

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Stay tuned I will be holding a giveaway for this movie in the coming weeks!

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post.

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5 thoughts on “Mirror Mirror Trailer

  1. At first I had a hard time imagining Julia playing a wicked Queen, but now I can totally see it!

  2. The preview for this looks really good! I LOVE Julia Roberts. I can’t wait for you to have a giveaway on this!!

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  4. Records — bah! I loved hearing the rain and the wind last night and wish that today were as cludoy as predicted. My trees and bushes and plants need rehydration from the sky — my hoses could never be sufficient. Heck, I even had to put up paper umbrellas up to shade the Japanese maples from the sun. I’m not necessarily looking forward to full-on winter, but, it coulda rained at night and left us sunny days.

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