The Muppets Wocka Wocka Combo Pack Review

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Jason Segel and Amy Adams join the eclectic troupe of misfits to save Muppet Studios from being demolished by an evil oil tycoon. Kermit, Piggy, and the whole gang are back!

Bonus Features Blu-ray:

  • Scratching The Surface, Making of the Muppets
  • Deleted Scenes
  • A little Screen Test On The Way To Read Through
  • Explaining Evil: The Full Text Richman Song
  • Unreleased Theatrical Spoof Trailers
  • Audio Commentary
  • Disney Intermission
  • Longest Blooper Reel Ever Made

**** I love the Muppets but they have long been gone on TV, so my children have only been able to enjoy The Muppets Movies. We were so thrilled when they made the announcement on this movie, and were even more excited when we able to see it in theaters. The Muppets are hilarious, after years apart The Muppets are brought back together by  big fan trying to save Muppet Theatre.  The start a big telethon to raise the money to save the theatre, but a evil billionaire is trying to stop them.  I was surprised at how many celebrities are in this movie, but it just made the movie that much funnier.   I have two favorite parts in this movie, my first is the Muppet of a Man scene. My second favorite is Jack Black and Animal being partners for control.  The deleted scenes and the blooper reel, almost had me on the floor laughing.  I just love how they added those in.

You can also download the full original soundtrack online at Disney Movie Rewards. I haven’t been able to download it yet, but I think it won’t be live until the release date.

I Got Everything I Need

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Release Date: March 20, 2012
Running Time: 103 minutes

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post. A product was provided By Disney.

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