Guest Post: Crossing Items Off The List

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Thanks to Erasmo Cortez

We have decided to open our own small business. My mom, my sister, and I are all going into business together. We have been operating out of our homes and just advertising on facebook for a few years now, but not we are going nationwide, baby! We’ve secured our small business loanand everything. This is when the fun really starts. This has been a dream we’ve shared for so many years now, and now that dream is becoming a reality right before our very eyes. We’ve written a list of all the things to be done, and divided the list between the three of us. I have been steadily crossing things off my list of responsibilities. Next up is to secure a t1 internet plan for our business. I am looking into the options today and speaking am speaking with different companies to try and get us the best deal. I’m thinking this will take the most part of the day, so it may be the only thing I get off the list today.

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