Get New Cody Simpson Merchandise from Toys R US

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Cody Simpson is a internet sensation turned superstar. He just finished his East Coast tour and will be bad on the road again with Big Time Rush this summer, those teens that won’t get to see him can pick up merchandise from Toys R Us.

Last weeks Toys R Us catalog featured the Australia-born singer on the cover, showcases all the hot Cody Simpson items made just for tweens.

Cody Simpson Style Dolls from The Wish Factory: Also sure to excite and delight fans are two stylish Cody Simpson dolls that come with a collectible lanyard and guitar pick charm, including:

  • Cody Simpson Basic Style: Dressed in a dark denim jacket, grey t-shirt and black straight-leg pants, this doll’s outfit is perfectly pulled together with grey tennis shoes.
  • Cody Simpson Gold Coast Style: A nod to the pop star’s Aussie roots, this doll is dressed in a t-shirt featuring a ‘Gold Coast’ label across a picturesque image of the land down under, as well as casual khaki slacks and sleek black kick.

A life size Cody Simpson Standee-a full size cody to make the red carpet come to life in your own bedroom.

Cody Simpson shirts and more– products for you to wear and showcase including shirts, hats, bags, jewelry and so much more.

You can find all these Cody Simpson products and more at Toys R Us.


Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post.

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