Ultimate Blog Party 2012

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It’s ultimate Blog Party time with 5 Minutes For Mom

Ultimate Blog Party 2012

My story

My blog is all about being mommy and the journey I am on as a mom. I named my blog No Time Mommy, mainly because having a husband who is a student and always busy with work I barely have anytime for anything but being mommy. OUr nearest family is 500 miles away so no babysitters or anything, just all me.

Here are some giveaways I have going on feel free to enter

Victorious Season 2 dvd/ ends 4/13

The Muppets Wocka Wocka Value Pack/Ends 4/13

Crayola Prize pack/ends 4/26

Alvin and the Chipmunks combo pack giveaway/ends 4/27

The Sands Resort Shirt and Hat/Ends 4/28

Wow Wow Wubbzy DVD/ ends 5/1


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19 thoughts on “Ultimate Blog Party 2012

  1. Hi…. I come for the party ^___^ I found your site from UBP 2012. Hope you come to my party post too, http://bit.ly/ubp2012. While you are there, feel free to enter our current giveaway (few of them in cash). Thank you.

    Juliana RW

    ps: nice to meet you in here

  2. as a homeschooling mom of 5, i know all about not having time! 🙂 stopping by from UBP12! hope you get a chance to check out my corner of the party =]

  3. Having no family nearby makes it so much harder! My mom is about 25 min away but that’s to far for just a 1-2 hour date with my hubs and we only see her once a month or so. Anyway, glad to find you through UBP 🙂

  4. So sweet that you’re married to your high-school sweetheart. I love to hear stories like that.

    Having no family nearby is soooooo hard… I’m lucky to have Janice and our mom. It can get terribly lonely being a stay at home mom and I can’t even imagine if I didn’t have all my online friends.

    Thanks so much for joining the party and taking the time to make a video introducing yourself!

  5. Perfect blog name! Our family is very far away as well. It can be tough not having a babysitter. I’m off to enter some of your giveaways!

  6. Being a WAHM with a husband and 19 month old, I can definitely related to having no time! We are actually considering moving to the city, and will be about 1 1/2 hours from our families…so there will be no babysitters for us then. Glad to have found your blog from the party! 🙂

  7. Hey there, stopping by from the UBP12!! Your family is beautiful and love the fact you married your high school sweetheart!! Who doesn’t love a story like that. Have fun during the party!!

    -Emily, Timedog.com

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