Brad and Angelina

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Guest post from: Kent Lara

I saw on Direct TV that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are engagedand are going to get married. I think I saw it on E News or something. I think they are the neatest couple and have to coolest family. I think Angelina Jolie is a little freaky, but I guess she is a good mom and person from the looks of things. Brad Pitt is just plain hot and the fact that he is such a good father makes him all that hotter. What I want to know is how does Angelina Jolie look that fit after having 3 children biologically, two of which were twins? It’s just not natural. I’m sure she works out 24/7, right? How else could she look like she never even had kids? I would be so bummed if they didn’t work out. It seems like everyone in Hollywood gets divorced, and no marriage lasts, but with all the kids they share, I really hope that their marriage does last. I would be sad if it didn’t work out.

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One thought on “Brad and Angelina

  1. I also think they are a neat couple and I’m happy they are finally getting married. Her ring is just gorgeous. I think they do a lot for charities and are willing to help out where needed. Their kids are cute too. She must work out all the time and not eat. She does not look like she has had 3 kids. I agree, I hope they stay together.

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