Chuck Season 5: Chuck VS. The Santa Suit

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In the episode of Chuck Season 5 Chuck Vs. The santa suit, it’s christmas time at the Buy More. Chuck’s sister Ellie is in full Christmas mode, meanwhile the Omen virus has infected computers worldwide. The virus causes holiday shoppers to panic and things get a little out of control.


When it’s Christmas time everyone is panicked, there are people fighting over popular toys and games. I could think of a few times I have been in a altercation, during the Christmas season. I can remember my daughters first Christmas, my husband was in Iraq and I had taken her to Toys R Us. It was Black Friday and the store was jam packed, but I was able to get their early enough to get a early bird deal.   My daughter started coughing like crazy so I picked her up out of the cart and was pacing with her. I turned around and my cart was gone with my diaper bag and car seat.

I looked around in panic but found the lady waiting to check out with my stuff. I confronted her and she wouldn’t let up. the store called the police  and I was able to get my stuff back, I wasn’t going to fight over the toys.

I can remember last year at a store, there were two people fighting over a game system.   The holiday season is a crazy time of year.

Go out and get Chuck Season 5 on dvd, and watch ll the hilarious episodes here.
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One thought on “Chuck Season 5: Chuck VS. The Santa Suit

  1. That is too bad about your Black Friday disaster story. I hope you were able to get everything back. I have never seen this series, but I think I will check out the hilarious episodes that you provided the link for. Thanks!

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