Chuck Season 5 Finale

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In the Series Finale of Chuck Season 5, Sarah and Chuck find themselves sitting on a beach side by side. The married couple reminisces and share one final kiss as the scene fades. It was so exciting. I think Sarah is starting to get her memory back, just as everyone is getting their lives together. I think that Chuck and Sarah if the show was to continue would be just fine. they will either be doing more spy work together or just move on with their lives.

You can pick up Season 5 on dvd and blu-ray now, You can use promo code c5wbwrd and save 20% off your order, plus free shipping.

I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for ‘Chuck.’

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2 thoughts on “Chuck Season 5 Finale

  1. I have never seen Chuck before, but I am going to order the first season on Netflix. It looks pretty good.

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