Visit Virginia Beach

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We have only been to Virginia Beach a few times, usually when we were traveling up north. We would stop at Virginia Beach and enjoy it for the day. It was so beautiful though, and so much to do.


Our kids I think enjoyed it the most. They had gigantic sand castles on the beach that people were building, and the kids loved seeing how they were being made. We ran into a family from NY that were visiting, and they were praising the hotel they stayed in. The kids were given ID bracelets, in case they got lost. They said it was the best vacation so far.

Also just for kids there is the Aquarium and marine science center, which is all day fun.  Seeing all the marine life, and walking through the giant aquarium tunnel. It was beautiful and you get to learn so much about the animals.  For a price you can even get in the water and interact with seals.

Virginia Beach has so much more to offer than just a beach though. There are so many activities to do as a family or just as a couple.

  • Busch Gardens Williamsburg
  • Fishing
  • Commodore Theatre
  • kayak tours

The list goes on and on, as what there is to do at Virginia Beach.  Just visit the Visitors center and you can get pamphlets and directions to everything.  For me, the beach was so much fun, but there are so many people around it’s hard to find a quiet spot.

If you get to the beach early which I have done, you can usually find tons of exciting stuff.  You can find sand dollars , or sea stars that washed up. I’ve also found money and toys that probably fell out of pockets or got left behind.

We were only at Virginia Beach for one day, but I have heard from so many people that the one thing you don’t want to miss out on is the food tours and restaurants. They have the best seafood around.

I think Virginia Beach is a great spot fora  vacation and I hope to go back very soon.  How will you “Love The Moment In Virginia Beach?”


I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Virginia Beach blogging program to earn My SocialMoms Rewards points. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own. To read more posts on the topic, click here.


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