Sid The Science Kid And Buddy At Bronx Zoo This Weekend

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The Bronx Zoo is continuing with their Animal Tales extravaganza, by having Sid The Science Kid and Buddy from Dinosaur Train at the zoo this weekend.

On the Main stage is Sid The Science Kid: Science is everywhere, a fun fast paced interactive sing along. He will be performing adjacent to the Grizzly Bears at 11:30AM, 1:30PM and 3:30PM.

You can see Buddy the Dinosaur at 12PM and 2PM at Astor Court.

This is a really fun time for the kids and of course great picture memories.

To find out more about this event you can visit here,

Thinking about visiting this weekend or anytime soon, you can save 10%, when you buy tickets online.

Disclosure: Our blog is participating in a sponsored ambassador program from the Bronx Zoo/NY Aquarium. As a part of this program we have received paid advertising compensation, a premium family membership and merchandise for placement of digital advertisements and specific postings related to programming.

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