Address Plaques

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One thing I love looking at when I go to swap meets or indoor shops is the Personalized Address Plaques. They are so neat and cute when you customize them.

Growing up we always just had stickers on our door and mail box, but the problem was they would tear off or just lose their look. So people were always lost when they were trying to find our house. The neighborhoods address numbers were out-of-order too.

So we went out and bought a Residential address Plaque, it was one of those Bronze Address Plaques, so I knew it would be sturdy.  It lasted us about all 14 years that we lived in the house.

It made our house look so much more nicer too, and we never had any problems with mail or pizza delivery.

Check out what you can do with your Custom Address Plaques.


Disclosure: This is a sponsored post, all opinions are my own.

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