The Important Initiatives In My House #HormelFamily

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I have been working with Hormel foods this year, and they have released their Corporate responsibility Report.  They have one so much this past year like reducing packaging on products or cutting sodium out of products.

They asked what are the important initiatives that take priority in my house, and how we choose companies to support.

Since I am a mother most of mt important initiatives revolve around my kids. One of the most important initiatives in my house is Education. I dropped out of college when I was pregnant and i don’t want my kids to ever give up on their education. We help them out with homework and read to them every night. My husband is even working on his PHD right now, and the kids love to hear about his experiments.

It’s also important that I feed my kids healthy foods, with so much sugar and other things in foods. I always try to get my kids to eat healthy and eat tons of fruit and veggies. I can rarely get them to drink water, but they will drink juice ( I always buy juice with no High Fructose Corn Syrup). They never drink really sugary drinks or soda.

When it comes to our Choosing and helping a company, we always have use the companies that touch our hearts. When we donate clothes and toys, we always drop them off in bins set up around town for Breast Cancer Help Inc.  Another company I have always supported and have donated what I can is St. Jude.  I have met some of the patients and they have really inspired me with how brave and strong they are.

What are the important initiatives in your home?

Disclosure: I’ve partnered with Hormel Foods as part of the Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger Program. Throughout the year I’ll be receiving product, coupons, giveaways and promotions. However, no payment was given or expected for posting about the program, and as always, all opinions given here are fully my own. 

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