Finding Who A Was On The Pretty Little Liars

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The season finale of Pretty Little Liars season 2 A was revealed and it was Mona. Most people guessed it, since that is how the book was written. I had read the book but still thought the show would be different. I originally assumed it would be Jenna, she seemed to have it out for the liars.

Now seeing the beginning of season 3 and previews, I am totally stumped at who it could be.

If you missed the second season or even the season finale, you can pick up the dvd now here.

There is only a few days left of the Pretty Little Lies game, Hurry and enter to win Heather Belle bags and signed dvd copies.

You can catch season 3 Of The Pretty Little liars on Tuesdays 8/7c on ABC Family.

“I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for Pretty Little Liars.”

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