Finding A Scholarship For College

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My husband has been in college for 7 years. 5 years of undergraduate and 2 years of graduate school. It’ been a long hard road, specially with having 3 kids, but we make it work. Now that he is working on his PHD, he still has 3-5 years left of school.

We would of never been able to make any of this happen without scholarships and grants. My husband is a top notch student, but he still had to research and look up scholarships and grants. We found tons of scholarships available, to different types of students. We even found scholarships available to military vets, which my husband is.

Disclosure: This is a compensated post.

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One thought on “Finding A Scholarship For College

  1. I’ve been thinking about this a lot the last few years, with my oldest going into high school I know this will be on top of our list of things to get into the next few years. He is an A student, so I know there will be stuff out there for him…just gotta find it. Good luck to your hubby!

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