Tail Town Friends Figurines

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One of my newest favorite games, is Tail Town Friends. It’s a game on Facebook, where you build a farm/orchard and help out your friends and community.   The more friends and business you help the more reputation you earn and move up levels.

Another way to move up in the game is by buying Tail Town Friends Figurines. There are 12 total n the first series and every figurine gives you a task to complete.

I received the nurse figurine and put the code in, I automatically received a task to help make medicine.   After all the tasks were complete, I received the Florence’s Spirit Spring. When harvested it will give you energy.  I play this game almost everyday, it’s my way to just relax after a stressful day.

Join and play Tail Town Friends Now, it’s so much fun.

Disclosure: I received a figurine for my review. No other compensation was received. All opinions are 100% my own.


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One thought on “Tail Town Friends Figurines

  1. I learned about this game from another blogger. I am now addicted. Lol. A grown woman playing child games, but its fun

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