Update: 11/1/12 #HurricaneSandy

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We are in day 4 with no power, yet everyone around us has power. I mean literally the house next door, the gas station across the street and 7-11 on the other side of me.   We are on the power line associated with the downed street light. Hopefully we will get power today.

We have been living in the old days here. LOL!  We did all of our laundry by hand, and they are hanging around the house. We have been using out grill to heat water and been eating pretty much sandwiches.

All of the food we hd left in our fridge and freezer has been tarnished and thrown away, so we decided to use that as a reason to deep clean the refrigerator.  This storm has really kicked our asses.

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3 thoughts on “Update: 11/1/12 #HurricaneSandy

  1. What a mess, my heart goes to you and all the families affected by this tragedy, keep you in our prayers

  2. I hope your power is back on soon! I can’t imagine being without it for 4 days. Thinking of you all!

  3. I hope they get it back up for you soon! We live in a tornado prone area and go thru the same thing maybe every other year. It sure makes yu appreciate simple things.

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