Slow Clean Up After #HurricaneSandy

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Everything is pretty much back to normal here on Long Island, we have power and gas lines are gone. Unfortunately the one thing here in my city that reminds everyone everyday how strong Sandy was is……

Down trees and brush at the end of driveways.

A lot of trees came down with Hurrican Sandy and I mean a lot. Even trees that have been standing for over 60 years. The big trees brought up the earth and even parts of the road.

This is the bottom of a downed tree, there is a big whole in the ground now.

The same tree from a side view.

Another bottom of a tree


It’s hard to get through small roads around here, because people have set their down their brush and branches, tree stumps etc. 3 weeks after Sandy ad they are still at the end of driveways. It has become a hazard for cars and pedestrians.

a down tree not touched

Tree stumps and brush sitting on side of the road.

Brush blocking the entire lane of a road.

Most of the natural landscape and small parks, just have trees laying everywhere. They have not been moved at all for the safety of anyone.

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One thought on “Slow Clean Up After #HurricaneSandy

  1. Wow! We had some bad storms this summer that took up trees like that (pulled part of our roof right up too) It is scary and awe inspiring to see how a big tree can be completely uprooted like that.

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