Wells Fargo Community #WFCommunity #Spon

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We have been banking with Wells Fargo for a few years now. We actually started out with Wachovia, but they were bought out by Wells Fargo.   Wells Fargo has offered a lot of benefits to us as a community. One of the biggest benefits is, the Wells Fargo Community.

The Wells Fargo Community is like a thread for financial questions you need answered, from financial planning to student loans and more. It’s actually a really really useful tool. I just spent 2 hours on Wells Fargo community, and am just amazed by all the helpful answers.
For example, a person asked about being wait listed at a school. Is it worth it to wait? That is a great question and something I always wondered about until we experienced it ourselves.
Some of the threads even contain personal experiences at colleges, and why you should or should not go there. This is actually a good thing, you want to have some advice from students at the college before applying or accepting the college.
It’s more than just education planning, it’s also about banking, saving, and more. Most of the threads seem to be about education planning, but there are questions about banking and saving. Like, how to get free deposit slips? or How to add a next of kin to your account? I have been answering as many questions as I can to try and help people out, and have been learning a thing or to myself.

Wells Fargo Community has been a great resource of information for me. My husband has been in college for the last 6 years, so it’s great to find ways to save and pay off college loans. I am even finding ways to save for my children’s college education on a small budget.

Here is a informational video all about Wells Fargo Community

For more information about the Wells Fargo Community, please visit Wells Fargo Community’s site. I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective, and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own. #WFCommunity #spon

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4 thoughts on “Wells Fargo Community #WFCommunity #Spon

  1. Love that there is a community that’s great! We used to be Wachovia users as well and then Wells Fargo cause of the switch. Love this bank!

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