Udi’s 14 Day Challenge

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I always try to eat healthy, but sometimes my emotions get the best of me, and I give in to the unhealthy food.

So when I was approached about doing the 2 week Udi Gluten Free Challenge, I said yes. Eating Gluten free for 2 weeks sounded so easy to me as I don’t eat a lot of Gluten or dairy products anyway.

I started out with the meal plan they had provided

Breakfast: Egg whites for breakfast

Lunch: Chicken and salad

Snack: Trail mix

Dinner: Gluten Free Pizza

Every day the meal would change and by day 3 I was feeling great and then………..  Hurricane Sandy came and my whole diet and challenge was thrown out the window. We had no power, so i couldn’t cook and I was mainly just eating dry cereal, trail mix and sandwiches. My emotions got the best of me and it has been a big challenge.

Now that I have had my power back for 3 weeks I started the challenge again. It has been really tough as we are still getting thing s back to normal, but I have felt great and even lost 5 pounds (even though 4 came back when i stopped).

Some of my favorite Udi’s products through the challenge have been the Blueberry and Chocolate Muffin tops, and the Vanilla Granola.

I have felt better and overall just felt healthier during the challenge.

Disclosure: No formal compensation was received for this post. I received products and coupons to help me through the challenge. All opinions are 100% my own.

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