Just Heartbreaking

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I am sure by now you have heard what happened in Connecticut.   So heartbreaking to know that someone could do this.

I have not even been able to post, sleep anything. I do not know anyone who lives there, but I do have a 6 and 7 year old and can only imagine what these parents are going through. School is suppose to be one of the safest places for our children.

I will not even mention the monsters name in this post, because he does not deserve recognition at all. The Hero teachers do and so do the beautiful students who lost their lives.   See That is the problem with the media, they mention the killer more than the victims. Columbine happened so long ago, yet everyone remembers the names of the gunmen not the people killed.

This has had a big impact on the entire nation, parents everywhere are nervous to send their kids back to school.

This morning getting my kids on the bus was just heartbreaking for me, I didn’t want to let them go. You can’t live your life in fear and my kids love school.

My heart goes out to the family of all the victims. I did not know anyone that was lost, but I am grieving with the world. My heart aches that all these beautiful children and teachers were lost to soon.

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2 thoughts on “Just Heartbreaking

  1. This still makes me sick! Those sick deranged people need to take their own lives instead of innocent children!! I worry about my daughter everyday I drop her off at the bus now!

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