Wear Your Boots Comfortably With Bootights GiveawayClosed

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I hate wearing boots just for the fact they always feel uncomfortable when my socks get scrunched up.

Now there is a solution to the problem

Introducing Bootights

jpegDesigned by Shelby Mason, in a moment at O’Hare airport, walking through secruity– Shelby realized the white tube socks over her tights would just not do! Bootights, (www.bootights.com) combines a high performance tight with a moisture-wicking sock to create a cute and comfy way to wear socks and tights with your boots! 

Watch the video for more information:

I have a pair of Bootights to giveaway to a lucky US reader

To enter: Visit Bootights and tell me the color pair that you love?

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Contest ends January 20, 2013

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post. Giveaway is being provided by the company.

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111 thoughts on “Wear Your Boots Comfortably With Bootights GiveawayClosed

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