Win Your Way With

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Win Your Way is an app that is part of the ShopYourWay social shopping platform. Members will find a constant stream of new and unique sweepstakes with prizes including: ShopYourWay Rewards points, trips to locations around the country, jewelry,clothing, appliances, tools, and gadgets.

I have been a member of for over 2 years now. I just love the benefits it gives you. Every time you shop you earn points on your account, that can be used towards your next shopping trip.
Now ShopYourWay is even better with their Win Your Way Sweepstakes. They have several different contests lined up right now, for various prizes or points.

I just spent the last hour entering different sweepstakes, it was so easy and fun. For example, I entered “The Motherload Sweepstakes, where you pick different products a working mother would like, but doesn’t already own on your board. Thats it, so easy! It is kind of like Pinterest, wanting items to your page board or catalog.
Every Sweepstakes show you how many entries they have received for that sweepstakes, so you know your odds. They are not that bad either, meaning low entries. I also entered a Prize Me sweepstakes, where you can win what you put in your catalog or up to 35,000 points. It ends in four hours and only 322 entries.


Sign up for ShopYourWay rewards and enter all the Win Your Way Sweepstakes.

No purchase necessary. Visit here for details.

Disclosure:This is a sponsored post with, I am a Win Your Way blogger, though all opinions are my own.

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