Christmas Vacation

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Most people are in bliss when Christmas Vacation comes. Kids are off school, parents off work, planned vacations and tons of family time.

What happens if you have No trips planned or money to do anything. You go insane. LOL!

Yes my Christmas vacation has been a bit chaotic, we don’t have a lot of money to go out and do anything. We have been sitting at home playing with our new toys and electronics. Kids fighting and screaming because someone is playing a board game wrong.

This is what I have been dealing with



No, he is not screaming in my face, just being silly while I was trying to capture a different picture.


Hope everyone else is having a great vacation.

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4 thoughts on “Christmas Vacation

  1. I hear ya! Mine were sick too, so we couldn’t go out. I am hoping to take them to my parent’s house to go sledding with their cousin today.

  2. What a cutie patootie…LOL…looks like tons of family time… my grandies are getting stir crazy… we have 6 of them here …I’m the prime babysitter..LOL… yeah right if I knew this would be the prime of my life I would have done it my grandies..if I had a choice to do it over again…Id have the grandies first then my kiddos..LOL.. we are getting ready to take a walk around a small is a little cold..but the snowflakes are so gentle now and beautiful…got a few bags of bread to feed the ducks and geese…then home for a little hot cocoa and a LONG nap… Happy New Year

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