Shabby Apple $75 Gift Card GiveawayClosed

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Shabby Apple is one of the best places to find the cutest casual dresses for any season.


Besides having Lace Dresses, Shirt Dresses and retro, They also have swimsuit and fitness apparel, jewelry, arts and crafts and so much more.






I have $75 gift certificate to Shabby Apple to giveaway to one US reader.

To enter visit Shabby Apple and tell me a dress you would like?

Extra entries:

Subscribe to my feed- 8 entries

Blog about this giveaway-7 entries

Grab my button-6 entries

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Like No Time Mommy on Facebook-4 entries

Like Shabby Apple on Facebook-4 entries

Leave a comment on any non-giveaway post-4 entries unlimited

Tweet this giveaway-2 entries (can be done daily)  Please include #shabbyapplegiveaway

Enter any of my other giveaways-1 entry

post this giveaway on Facebook-1 entry (can be done daily)

Contest ends 1/ 28/13

Disclosure: No Compensation was received for this post, giveaway is being provided by the company.


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660 thoughts on “Shabby Apple $75 Gift Card GiveawayClosed

  1. I love the Garden Isle dress from Shabby Apple … the print is so soft and feminine..not to short or to long..

  2. I follow you on Twitter @coriwestphal (
    Entry 1

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  3. I follow you on Twitter @coriwestphal (
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    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  4. I follow you on Twitter @coriwestphal (
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    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  5. I follow you on Twitter @coriwestphal (
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    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  6. I follow you on Twitter @coriwestphal (
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    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  7. I like Shabby Apple on Facebook: Cori Eckstrom Westphal (
    Entry 1

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  8. I like Shabby Apple on Facebook: Cori Eckstrom Westphal (
    Entry 2

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  9. I like Shabby Apple on Facebook: Cori Eckstrom Westphal (
    Entry 3

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  10. I like Shabby Apple on Facebook: Cori Eckstrom Westphal (
    Entry 4

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  11. there are so many amazing dresses!!!! Ballerina, Baciami, Barefoot in the park, Cotton Candy, or the Twin Palms for starters LOL

  12. 1st entry I commented on your post about deciding to not have anymore children on 1/5/13 140am.

  13. 2nd entry I commented on your post about deciding to not have anymore children on 1/5/13 140am.

  14. 3rd entry I commented on your post about deciding to not have anymore children on 1/5/13 140am.

  15. 4th entry I commented on your post about deciding to not have anymore children on 1/5/13 140am.

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