Making The Final Decision Has been Heartbreaking

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I have been going back and forth about weather or not to get permanently fixed from having more children.

For the past 5 years I have been using Mirena IUD. It’s been great, but I have been moody from the hormones and I am losing hair like crazy. So after consulting my doctor we decided that when the Mirena came out at the end of the month, we would switch my birth control.

I was unsure exactly what I wanted though.

I feel like I am done having kids, I have 3 beauitful children. Who lets admit can be more than a handful at times. My husband has even said we are done no more.

For some reason though there is this little part of me that would love to experience having another child and being able to comfort and care for them.
So I don’t want to make that final decision of never being able to have kids again.

So I have made my final decision not to have anymore kids, but will still be making a temporary birth control method as I don’t want to mess up my body anymore than it is.

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6 thoughts on “Making The Final Decision Has been Heartbreaking

  1. I am sorry this is hard for you. You are not crazy.

    I had the same feelings when we took care of that here. We have two kids and I would have loved to have had more, but medically I shouldn’t. It was hard. I still feel bad about it sometimes. But I know that is what had to be.

    I hope you can find the answer that is best for you and your family’s needs. *hugs*

  2. Please don’t choose a permanent fix like tubal if u have any feeling of more kids u will regret it i do even after the twins if i were u i would look at non hormone bc or have hubby get fix its an easier recovery

  3. I have a whole host of reasons why I am totally against an IUD but wont drag that up 🙂

    I agree- please talk to your husband about HIM getting ‘fixed’ a vasectomy is much more reversible if the mood strikes you both to have children and much less invasive medically.

  4. Don’t forget, you have the opportunity to be a grandmother one day and that can be very fulfilling as well!!!

  5. My feelings are that it is wise to wait until you are really sure, at least for one entire year. Also, surgery is never trivial, so much to think about.

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