Peace OF Mind Car Seat Giveaway On Facebook

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LifebankUSA is the only company that offers cord blood, placenta blood and tissue banking — and the first to release placenta-derived stem cells for a successful transplant — New Jersey-based LifebankUSA is a technological leader that is pioneering key medical innovations in the field.  Owned by the Celgene Corporation, a world-class biopharmaceutical company, LifebankUSA also operates a robust donation program and collects cells from anywhere in the US for use primarily in advancing medical research.


LifeBankUSA is hosting a giveaway on their Facebook page for three top rated Britax Marathon 70-G3 convertible car seats in a random drawing. The Giveaway is valued at $231.99 each.

Contest ends 4/30/13

Go and enter now for your chance to win on their Facebook page.


Disclosure: This is a compensated post.

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