Cascade Platinum Keeps Your Dishes Sparkling

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“I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Cascade. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.”


One chore I don’t mind doing in my house is the dishes, well as long as my dishwasher is working.   I love how easy it is to use, and if you have tons of dishes you can run it again.   I usually use liquid dish-washing detergent.  Sometimes though I notice that it leaves a little residue on the cups.  I always pre-rinse my dishes since our last dishwasher broke it’s just been a habit.

Then I was introduced to Cascade  Platinum packs. They are so easy to use, it’s just a little pack that you put in your dishwasher.

Cascade Platinum Pacs deliver the most powerful clean from Cascade, while also cleaning the inside of your dishwasher.

Cascade power pacs also”

  • powers away tough stuck on food
  • Eliminates the need to pre-wash dishes
  • delivers dishware shine
  • helps maintain the look of your dishes as well as keep your machine looking new.


When i first tried these I was skeptical, since it was just a tiny pack and my dishwasher is old and I’ve always had trouble with residue and dishes not coming clean enough.   I was amazed with the Cascade Platinum pacs. They got my dishes clean and there was no little food pieces t the bottom of my dishwasher.  I couldn’t believe a little pac like that could make my dishes and dishwasher shine.

Plus, Having your dishes look their best makes the meal that much better. Gail Simmons, Top Chef Judge and Editor of Food and Wine magazine has teamed up with Cascade to discuss why presentation is just as important as preparation.

I believe that is true, when my husband was in undergrad school, he worked as a dishwasher in a restaurant. He was told from the beginning that without dishwashers and clean dishes the restaurant would be nothing.

Cascade Platinum is holding a Instagram contest that is running for four weeks. Each week they will have a theme and you just upload your pic of the theme to be entered. For more information on the contest visit here.
Each week 2 winners will receive a Whirlpool dishwasher, a lucky grand prize winner will receive a platinum kitchen.

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