Put Your Head On My Shoulder, Not Your Snot #Clorox #ick-tionary

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I am being compensated by The Clorox Company to share a new language about messes for the Clorox Ick-tionary


I have teamed up with Clorox to help create words for their new Icktionary campaign. You can visit www.icktionary.com for hilarious words and situations that any Clorox product will clean.  I am on my fourth word, and am having a blast making up all these words.

My fourth word is Shoulderpad, the definition is   “console a crying kid with a hug, win a day-long padding of snot residue on your sweater.”

This is a ick I know all two well having 3 kids.


Shoulderpad is when your child has been crying or sick and you comfort them, then realize that she just wiped their nose on you. Even more than that they blow their nose on you, either way it’s gross. I have even gone in public with snot on my shoulder, just not realizing. My response when people give me a dirty look is, I am a mom.

Cleaning up the scenario is easy with Clorox, just use Clorox bleach or Clorox Bleach 2 for colors. Don’t forget the tissues for your child too!


Visit www.icktionary.com to find more words and funny scenarios.

On the site:

Learn how to clean the ick, and play games for a chance to win $25 gift card.


  • Clorox products should never be used directly on people.
  • Clorox Clean-Up Cleaner with Bleach and Clorox Disinfecting Wipes should only be used on hard, non-porous surfaces.
  • Always check clothing labels before using Clorox Regular-Bleach or Clorox 2 Stain Fighter & Color Booster.

Has this ever happen to you, console a child and get snot all over you?



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