LifeStory Fathers Day Contest

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LifeStory wants to celebrate dads, most important the fathers who are no longer with us.   LifeStory’s goal is to provide a place thats special to preserve the memories of Fathers who have passed on, and to also pass down their Legacies to their children.

From now until June 23, you can create a LifeStory page and enter to win a hard copy book of your story and a 1 year membership to the Modern Widows Club Magazine.


To enter:

  1. Create a LifeStory about a father who has passed on in your life.
  2. Invite your friends to contribute to your page. Share stories memories and photos!
  3. The top 5 LifeStory pages will win.


Winner will be determined by the total number of posts  and comments on a single LifeStory page. The top 5 LifeStory profiles with the highest numbers at the end of the entry period will be awarded prizes as noted above.

Contest begins at 12:01am on 6/9/13 and closes on 6/23/13 at 11:59 pm. All posts must be submitted by contest deadline to be counted. Top LifeStories will be selected 6/24/2013 and will be based on total number of posts and comments on a single LifeStory page.

Winners will be announced on our Facebook page on June 24 and notified via email. They will have 30 days to claim prizes. Hard back books will be designed and delivered within a 6 month period. Each book will be designed based on LifeStory profile content. Only content posted on will be included in book. Video and link postings will not be included in book.

Only the first year of Modern Widows Club magazine will be paid for by, all subsequent yearly subscriptions are the sole responsibility of the winner.

Estimated Prize Value: $75, preserving memories: Priceless

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