Finding a home in Jensen Beach Florida

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We have been talking a lot lately about where to move. My husband will be graduating with his PHD soon and has been scoping out places for a post doc. One of the places we are looking into is Florida.

We have family in Florida and the schools are great. One of places we were looking into is the Falls  at Jensen Beach.  The Falls at Jensen Beach is a gated community that has everything, beaches, fishing, shopping and so much more.  Even better your house is surrounded by lakes and nature preserves.

New Homes For Sale Jensen Beach FL. start at 300,000 and go up, but the houses are gorgeous. It’s the perfect place to raise a family, as Martin County school districts have been rated one of the top schools.

I am in love with the Bimini model, it’s so cute and has all the luxuries you would want . A big bathroom with separate bath shower and toilet area. There is even a gigantic kitchen with all the cabinet space of a restaurant.

These are definitely houses we will be looking into if we decide to move to Florida.

Check out the houses and tell me what you think.


Disclosure: This is a compensated post

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One thought on “Finding a home in Jensen Beach Florida

  1. I love the style of these homes! Beautiful! I’m not familiar with this area. We usually visit the Sea Grove Beach / Destin, FL area when we vacation.

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