Palmolive Soft Touch Soap Coconut Butter and Nail Polish GiveawayClosed #SP

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Disclosure: No formal compensation was received for this post. A product was provided for my review.

As a stay at home mom, I don’t get out much to do beauty treatments. I haven’t had a professional manicure in years. I have so much going on at home cooking, cleaning and mainly doing the dishes. Palmolive’s soft touch soap line comes in colors that you can match up with nail polish.

It’s a great idea, when you are doing your dishes you can have perfect nails that match the soap you are using.


My latest soap is Coconut Butter which I will be using from now on. Not just because of the color but because it smells so good. The Coconut Butter soap is a soft white to pink color and the matching polish is a light light pink. When it’s on your nails it looks almost clear, making your nails shiny.

Photo on 9-20-13 at 7.29 PM

I am giving away soap and matching nail polish to two lucky readers.
You will get 3 colors of Palmolive Soft touch soap, with matching nail polishes.

To enter tell me what Palmolive Soft Touch you would use first.

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Contest ends 10/25/13

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