Gobble Gobble With a Butterball Turkey This Thanksgiving #Giveaway Closed

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Disclosure: no compensation was received for this post. Coupons were provided for giveaway.

Thanksgiving is a month away, and people are already starting to plan out their holiday meals. My kids love waking up on Thanksgiving and helping me cook, and get everything ready.


One of the main dishes we eat is Turkey, and I get a Butterball every year. They always turn out the best, plus if I want to be laid back and take it easy Butterball has a pre-made Turkey you can buy. Just put it in the oven for few hours, it’s already seasoned and bagged.

Butterball.com has tons of tips and ideas to make your dinner better than ever. They have videos to help you choose the right turkey, stuff it, spice it up, thaw it and more.


To help you get ready for you meal this holiday I am giving away two BUtterball Turkey checks. $20 checks.

To enter: tell me if your planning a big meal this Thanksgiving?

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Tell me a tip about holiday meals (can be your own)-3 entries

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post this giveaway on Facebook-2 entry (can be done daily)

Contest ends 11/18 to ensure you receive it before Thanksgiving.

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730 thoughts on “Gobble Gobble With a Butterball Turkey This Thanksgiving #Giveaway Closed

  1. yes, we have all the family get together at our home.. we usually have close to 15 to 20 guests.. kids, grandkids and a few neighbors

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    Wordless Wednesday: She is ready for the Cold Weather

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    Wordless Wednesday: She is ready for the Cold Weather

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    Wordless Wednesday: She is ready for the Cold Weather

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    Wordless Wednesday: She is ready for the Cold Weather

  9. Tip about holiday meals – prepare as much as you are able so you can enjoy visiting with others instead of running in the kitchen!


  10. Tip about holiday meals – prepare as much as you are able so you can enjoy visiting with others instead of running in the kitchen!


  11. Tip about holiday meals – prepare as much as you are able so you can enjoy visiting with others instead of running in the kitchen!


  12. I haven’t cooked at home yet… We go to my man’s family first (usually a party of 15-20) then we head to his sister’s house (usually a party of about 10) but we never end up with leftovers! This prize would be a perfect incentive for us to have our own turkey dinner at our place even if it is after Thanksgiving!!

  13. #1 The best tip about holiday meals I have is start preparing dishes a day or two before and freeze if needed.

  14. #2 The best tip about holiday meals I have is start preparing dishes a day or two before and freeze if needed.

  15. #3 The best tip about holiday meals I have is start preparing dishes a day or two before and freeze if needed.

  16. We will be having a big meal at my in-laws house. My family will bring a few dishes to add to the already crowded table 🙂

  17. I am! I’m having my in laws over and one of our neighbors too. About 15 people total…yikes!

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

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    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  19. I follow you on Twitter @coriwestphal (twitter.com/coriwestphal)
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    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  20. I follow you on Twitter @coriwestphal (twitter.com/coriwestphal)
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    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  21. I follow you on Twitter @coriwestphal (twitter.com/coriwestphal)
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  22. My best tip is to plan ahead. Sometimes I even make a dish a week or two ahead of time, just to make sure I know what I’m doing and if I need to tweak anything. No surprises on Thanksgiving day!

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  23. My best tip is to plan ahead. Sometimes I even make a dish a week or two ahead of time, just to make sure I know what I’m doing and if I need to tweak anything. No surprises on Thanksgiving day!
    Entry 1

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  24. My best tip is to plan ahead. Sometimes I even make a dish a week or two ahead of time, just to make sure I know what I’m doing and if I need to tweak anything. No surprises on Thanksgiving day!
    Entry 3

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

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