Need To Edit A Photo, You Can Use #SP #Fotor

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Disclosure: This is a compensated post on behalf of Fotor. All opinions are 100% my own.

As a blogger I am constantly editing my photos, or putting my name on them. I am always looking for the easiest editing program.

Fotor is a free photo editing software, to help make your pictures the way you need them. I love the edits on this site, I can add borders to my photos or change the colors.


Cropping your photos, adding text and add some clipart to your photo.


One of my favorite features from the site is the templates, you can make a card for any holiday. It’s a easy and money saving way to make your holiday photo cards this season.


I have been on Fotor for hours now editing all my photos, it has actually turned into a lot of fun playing with the designs. One of their newest features is really neat. You can turn your pictures into a shape collage. I have been having so much fun with it.


Next time you need to edit a photo, make sure to check out Fotor.

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One thought on “Need To Edit A Photo, You Can Use #SP #Fotor

  1. I need to look into this. I used to have photoshop installed and it went kapoot with my last computer now the version wont work with win7 and noww win 8 is out !

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