Finding The Perfect Dress For Homecoming and Beyond #SP #Prom #Homecoming #PerfectDress

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Disclosure: This is a compensated post for DressFirst through Blogvertise. All opinions are 100% my own.

I remember being in high school and always trying to find the perfect dress every time Homecoming or another dance would be announced. Homecoming most of all was a big deal in our school and I always wanted to look my best.


Then came Prom and the dresses had to get better and fancier. The style was floor length gowns that were sparkly.

Then the next dress every girl dreams of is her wedding dress. It’s something that today I still dream about even though I am married. I had a courthouse wedding and I wore my senior year prom dress (a black sparkly gown). My husband was 9 months away from deployment, so we didn’t want a big wedding.

If my big wedding did happen I would dream of a dress like this


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