Renting Your TextBooks from

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When it comes to Textbooks and costs I know all to much what a pain it can be. My husband has been in college working up to a PHD for almost eight years. While he is almost at his goal, he does still buy textbooks for references and information. We usually just sell them back in a few years after a new edition comes out.
The past year he has been renting a few Textbooks, it seems so much easier than spending hundreds of dollars on a new book. has tons of text books on every subject to rent out.

perks of renting:

-save 40-90% off of bookstore prices
-free shipping both ways
-can highlight in the textbooks
-flexible renting periods
They donate to Operation Smile with each textbook rented

You can buy textbooks for hundreds of dollars and try to sell them 3 months later only to find out they are now worth $30. Renting is a easy way to avoid the hassle.

CampusBookRentals has also launched, I was surprised to learn a lot of the books we have are not even worth renting out anymore. They are just that old.

RentBack is new initiative that allows students to rent the textbooks they own – to other students… which is awesome because it makes them 2-4x more money compared to what they’d make through buyback options!

Have you considered renting Textbooks instead of buying?

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