My kids Lost Their Presents, But Are Slowly Earning Them Back

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We are on the brink of Christmas. While this year has been totally different from years past, it’s refreshing. My kids don’t believe in Santa anymore, and it gets harder to get them to behave.
I can’t say Santa is watching you anymore. They think that I don’t have the heart to not give them presents. I can’t, I am not that heartless, i’m really not.


So I finally got fed up and packed up all the gifts under the tree and hid them. The kids never even noticed, a hour and a half later when they started fighting I screamed look the presents are gone. Immediately they were in shock. Then there was period of we don’t care.

Now two days later they are trying to behave as much as they can, and clean when told. They really want to earn them back. They actually earned half back last night, but I warned I will take them away again.

The moral I am trying to teach is……

My kids take everything for granted. I want them to know there are children in this world that do not have 1 gift for Christmas and are probably more behaved then they are being.

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