Free Birds DVD GiveawayClosed @FHEInsiders #FHEI

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Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post. I will be receiving a copy of the dvd as a Fox Home Insider.


From the Academy Award-Winning producer of Shrek comes a hilarious animated adventure about two turkeys from opposite sides of the tracks who travel back in time in order to keep their species off the Thanksgiving menu. Featuring an all-star voice cast, including Owen Wilson, Woody Harrelson and Amy Poehler, Free Birds is loaded with laughs and stuffed with fun for the whole family!

This movie comes to dvd and blu-ray on February 4th 2014



To buy this dvd or any other Fox titles, please visit Fox Connect.

I am giving away a copy of Free Birds on Blu-ray to one lucky reader

To enter: Tell me your favorite bird?

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Giveaway ends 2/16/14

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