Getting Ready For the Superbowl with Stonefire

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Disclosure: No formal compensation was received for this post. A product was provided for review.

Every year we do a small party, with just immediate family and watch the super bowl. A tradition I started with my oldest daughter when my husband was deployed. We usually have dip with chips, and pizza with chicken wings.

The year I am switching out the chips with dip for Pita with Hummus. A Much healthier option.


I was introduced to Stonefire brands at a blogging event with KidzVuz. They had samples of pita sandwiches and they were so delicious. It’s now become one of the foods I eat all the time.



Besides Pita they also have pizza crust and Naan flatbread.

My favorite thing about Stonefire Breads is that you can you can put anything in them Make sandwiches out of the pita bread. The Naan bread and pizza crust have been great for making appetizers. I even made a stuffed pizza inside the Naan bread.

What are your food plans for the Super Bowl? Have you tried Stonefire?

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