Wordless Wednesday: Love to Read

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Even at the library where there is Computers and games, she chooses to read! 🙂

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12 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: Love to Read

  1. My mom was a reading teacher for 17 years. She passed on her love of reading to so many students that even though she’s been gone for 23 years I still receive letters from former students of hers saying what a difference she made in their lives. Reading is a way to open doors and enrich our lives. I’m so glad your little girl enjoys it! Blessings to you from NanaHood.com

  2. I wish some of that love would find it’s way into my nine year old’s heart. He is not a fan of reading. Good for her! Read on…and on! 🙂

  3. That’s great that she chose to read than to play! She’ll learn important things from reading.

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