Cottonelle Care Routine Helps The Whole Family #CtnlCareRoutine #PMedia

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Disclosure: This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group and Cottonelle but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #CtnlCareRoutine


As a adult I’ll admit I sometimes don’t feel clean after using the bathroom, whether I have a upset stomach or it’s just that time of the month. The Cottonelle Care Routine has helped me feel more cleaner at those certain times. I am sure you ladies know what I mean. The toilet paper is soft and gentle, feels like a soft blanket and the flushable wipes are very nice and cooling. My biggest concern was that they were going to be rough or feel like baby wipes. They do not at all, they are very soft and give you that fresh scent.


As a Mom, the Cottonelle Care Routine has been a lifesaver for me. My kids are all potty trained, and have been for a few years. They are still young though and sometimes don’t wipe well enough. My son who is 6 still asks for help at times and I want to make sure my kids are clean and fresh after using the bathroom. The flushable wipes have helped so much in that aspect, my kids use them all the time and don’t have to worry about being stinky or staining their clothes. Parents you know what I am talking about!


Getting all 3 of my kids to use them has been easy, we set up the tub on top of the toilet and remind them before hand to use them if they need. Now that it is cold and flu season, and they has a few tummy troubles they have been the best thing in the house. We have started the routine of the dry and moist. In addition to using the moist cloths in the restroom, they also work great for wiping mouths after little ones get into messes.

Looking to buy this product! You can get a coupon up to $2 off on their

During the month of February when you buy Both Cottonelle toilet paper and cleansing cloths at Walmart, you will receive a $5 Vudu credit. In store offer only.              Vudu is similar to RedBox and offers HD movies. To receive the code you must….

  • Take a picture of the receipt showing you purchased both items
  • Text or email your picture to [email protected]
  • You will receive a text or email back with your $5 credit code.

Find out more about it at

Another plus most Cottonelle products including Flushable moist wipes, include Box Top for Education.



Do you prefer moist wipes or regular toilet paper?

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