Choose Choice Home Warranty To Keep Your House Maintained

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Disclosure: this is a compensated post.

Growing up our house was kind of run down. The problem was everyone was busy with work and school, we would forget to do the regular maitenance on the house. We tended to anything that broke, but for most things they would go without maintenance for long periods. Plus, the Arizona heat would have a affect on the landscape, and A/C filters etc.

Choice Home Warranty is a great way to start to keep your home maintained.  They make sure you keep up with every thing from seasons to basic home maintenance.    For ex. In the winter, making sure pipes are insulated. In the Spring, checking batteries, light fixtures, valves and more.  Choice Home Warranty also insures home appliances.

CHW was chosen for the recent INC 500 award for 2013. For their excellence in Selling warranties to homeowners that cover the repair or replacement of mechanical and electrical systems and appliances, such as A/C, plumbing, garage doors, fans, duct work, washers, dryers, and garbage disposals.

I think it’s a great idea to get everything a warranty on your home. You never know when something is going to break.  It always starts small and then the problem can get out of control.

Have you considered a home warranty?




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