Swiffer Sweep and Trap GiveawayClosed

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Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post. Giveaway is being provided by Swiffer.

Swiffer is introducing a new way to help keep your floors clean. Swiffer Sweep and Trap.
Jewel was at a local event demonstrating how it all works.



She even recorded a song with the kids that were there.


Unfortunately I was unable to attend the event, but one lucky reader of No Time Mommy will win a swag bag from the event.
Pictured below

Jewel Celebrates Launch of the Swiffer Sweep and Trap with the Premier of Her "Clean-Up Song"

To enter: Tell me your daily mess that the Swiffer Sweep and Trap will help clean?

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Giveaway ends 3/25/14

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246 thoughts on “Swiffer Sweep and Trap GiveawayClosed

  1. Oh my gosh, not only do we have kids, but a dog and two cats – there is always a daily mess of fur and crumbs to clean up.

  2. My 4 year old is the daily mess the swiffer sweep and trap could clean… He is a crumb factory!

  3. it would help me clean a lot of messes a day with three boys and both my husband and I are OCD

    couponblog00 @ gmail.com

  4. Ummm I have a 10 year old son. EVERY day is a Swiffer day! I swear more food ends up on the floor than in his mouth!

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

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  18. I follow you on Twitter @coriwestphal (twitter.com/coriwestphal)
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  19. I follow you on Twitter @coriwestphal (twitter.com/coriwestphal)
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  20. I follow you on Twitter @coriwestphal (twitter.com/coriwestphal)
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  21. My kids are messy eaters plus they leave bits of playdoh and other stuff all over the floor

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