Do You Ever Just Want To Throw Up When Shopping

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Being a mother is hard no doubt, but when it comes to making sure you can provide for your kids it’s the world.

I usually don’t write anything to personal on my blog, but this topic I am sure a lot of people can relate to.

My husband is a graduate student and that leaves us on a strict budget every month for bills and groceries. It’s hard and I spend as much time as I can clipping coupons and trying to save money everywhere.

This morning I went grocery shopping and just wanted to throw up in the store and cry. I couldn’t believe how much prices have gone up on things that we use everyday.

A gallon of milk 2 weeks ago was $3.99 today the price was $4.19. The soy milk I have to buy for my husband and son (lactose allergies) was $3.69 for a quart now $4.99. I now that is not that big of a jump but still when you are on a strict budget, it’s enough to make you sick.
Not to mention there have been very few deals on meats and seafood.

How does this government expect us all to survive?

Do you ever get that way?

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One thought on “Do You Ever Just Want To Throw Up When Shopping

  1. I COMPLETELY agree!! I reside on the west coast (Washington) and I’ve noticed the same thing… The meat and seafood has gone up about $2-$3 per pound and it’s getting harder to create good meals at a reasonable price. (I am very thankful that our milk is still not as high as yours, only $3 a gallon, but I’m sure that is about to change too!) How disappointing it is to go shopping nowadays and with them raising the minimum wage in the Seattle area over the next few years, I’m sure I’m going to have to move away just to be able to afford the basics…

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