Stress Of Common Core Happens

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When parents started opting out of their children taking Common Core testing. I decided to leave it up to my daughter whether or not she wanted to test.

Well the night before the math testing was set to begin, sh evoke up at 3 AM and couldn’t fall back asleep. She kept thinking about math problems all morning and was burning up. Since her temperature was only 99.6 I sent her to school.

A hour later the school called and I picked her up, she missed the testing but seemed a bit stressed and just slept it off.

Day 2, she swore she was 100 percent and was ready for the test. After testing she started to worry again. and once again was sent home for a stomach ache.

Day 3, I sent her to school again. When she is at home she is fine and I don’t think she should stay home just to jump around and play. So I am hoping she stays all day today.

Is it fair though to put so much pressure on kids about the testing? Her teachers are great and have been doing all the preparations they possibly can. My daughter herself has said she doe snot want to miss school, because they are learning harder math problems and she doesn’t want to be behind.

It was so much stress it made her sick.

Did your kids take the standardized testing? Did they worry about it?

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One thought on “Stress Of Common Core Happens

  1. All kids worry about the tests. I always had mine do the tests just due to the fact that whether the parents know it or not some schools fast track some kids based on scores. If you have a kid you think will do well, let them go for it.

    Thats just my opinion though, because we all face stresses and uncertainty later in life if kids are able to avoid it they learn not to challenge themselves.

    I think you’re smart to keep sending her and encouraging her to take the test. You have smart kids they can do it!

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