Blogger Bash Recap #bbnyc #Sweetsuite14

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I attended Blogger Bash this past weekend. It was the first conference I attended where I felt I actually walked away with brand connections.

Blogger Bash was tons of parties wrapped into one day.

Day 1 was Sweet Suite 14


When you first walked in you were met by KidzBop. They are so cute, unfortunately I didn’t get any pics as it got really crowded.

You could walk around and visit brands like Leapfrog, Playtime, Crayola, Skylanders and so much more.
One of my favorites was Playtime Toys, they actually had dress up clothes for adults. So I got to play princess for 5 minutes.


I just now realized I blew up my Instagram feed with pics but barely took any with my own camera. So please feel free to check out all the pics on Instagram.

Day 2: Blogger Bash

Day 2 started really early with Lego Batman Breakfast, which was great.

Next was speed dating and this was my favorite as we got to sit down with brands and discuss what we want out of a partnership and how they work with bloggers etc. I did miss a lot of companies though as they had tons of people waiting to talk and not enough time.

Peanuts was there with Snoopy celebrating 50 years!!


After that was lunch for me. Now keep in mind there were other events going on but just not enough time to go to each.

Lunch was with Johnny Rockets. I was expecting Burgers since thats what they are famous for, but they had sandwiches and salads. Which is just as great.


Plus we got to make our own milkshakes!!!

Next up was the amazing Baby Palooza, where we got to hear Anne Geddes talk. Can I just say I have never heard so many words of wisdom, she truly is down to earth and a great speaker.



Then there was the NickMom’s party which was just a great time to relax and have a drink. Oh and they had a really hot shirtless Fireman.


The conference ended with KidzVuz but that will come in a another post.

Thanks so much to everyone who put on Blogger Bash and hopefully I can attend next year.

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