So I am Not The Perfect Mother, So What!

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I have always been the kind of person that puts everyone else needs before me. I did it when I was younger and now that I am a mother even more so. If my children, my husband, my house need something I will always put that ahead of myself.

Now that I am almost 30, it’s catching up with me, and I need a lot of dental work done and fall ill very easy. I am not the perfect mother, I have let myself go, and am reminded about it daily through strangers comments or just pain.

See, I have always had acne and at times can look like a 18 yr old girl, instead of 29. So I am use to the snarky comments and bullying. I am asked daily if my children are actually mine.

It’s hurtful, but honestly it’s really no ones business.

I am not the perfect mother on the outside but, so what? Who cares? All that should matter is that I take care of mu children and they are happy and healthy. I don’t spoil them and can’t afford over the top things, but they have all the basic necessities in life.

Now that all my health issues are catching up with me, I am trying to make myself better on the outside to stay healthy for my kids. Neve realized even with insurance how much it would cost, or a hassle it would be become.

So I am not perfect and I probably never will be, but I am myself and thats all that matters! 🙂

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3 thoughts on “So I am Not The Perfect Mother, So What!

  1. That’s important for everyone to remember, I’m finding now that I’ve reached my thirties, weight just piles on so easily. I’m more tired. Planning on eating better, but the life of a mom is always so busy and hectic, it’s hard to take the time to take care of oneself.

  2. I am a bit older than you, and believe me, I have never ever met the perfect Mother. As to your health, well all women can relate to that (or at lleast those that have ever cared for another human being be it kids, parents, frriends etc) Women tend to ut their own health and well being on the back burner and care for others. Thats normal but you’re just 30, so you can turn everything around or most of it.
    Acne? Thats hormones, and even if you didnt have it, I think we all have something we complain about be it a double chin, short eyelashes whatever. And your dental … its always been my belief that so much of it is geneetics.
    Your kids look happy , you do a great job, and I know how much you love them.

  3. PS I can spell I just cant type worth a tinkers you know what and am watching TV and typing which doesnt help ha!

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